Circulars Year 2013

Circulars Year 2013

No.   Date Subject Matter
1. 02.01.2013 Notice of Annual General Meeting – NOTICE
2. 21.01.2013 Malacca Bar & NS Bar GO-KART Race
3. 23.01.2013 Matters Arising and Updates of the meeting between
Malacca Bar Committee and Malacca Court Complex
Management on 19.12.2012 
4. 07.02.2013 Request for Feedback on Rules of Court 2012
5. 08.02.2013 Subordinate Courts Act 2011
6. 14.02.2013 Malacca Bar Annual General Meeting 2013
7. 28.02.2013 Malacca Bar Annual Subscriptions for the year 2013
8. 28.02.2013 Enforcement of Judgement
9. 07.03.2013 67th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar
10. 13.03.2013 Appointment of Secretary and Co-opted member of the Malacca Bar for the year 2013/2014
11. 14.03.2013 Office-Bearers of the Malacca Bar for the year 2013/2014
12. 15.03.2013 Lockers in the Bar Room at Melaka Court & Queue Management System (QMS)
13. 26.03.2013 Malacca Bar Futsal Tournament 2013
14. 26.03.2013 Parking at Melaka Court Complex, Ayer Keroh
15. 02.04.2013 Parking at Melaka Court Complex, Ayer Keroh (update – 02nd April 2013)
Appointment to the PANEL of SOLICITORS for the Insurers 
17. 19.04.2013 Workshop on Marketing For Laywers
18. 26.04.2013 Special Redemption for Malacca Bar members 
19. 26.04.2013 Melaka Bench & Bar meeting 2013
20. 03.05.2013 Talk on Leveraging Technology for your Legal Practice
21. 22.05.2013 Advocacy Training Course – Malacca
22. 30.05.2013 Annual Melaka Bench & Bar Games 2013
23. 03.06.2013 Courtroom reallocation, list of filing fees, parking lots and a survey
24. 10.06.2013 Invitation To Attend The Law Seminar At Multimedia University
25. 12.06.2013 Public Forum – Enviromental Issue in Malaysia and the Right to Life
26. 14.06.2013 Court Liaison Sub-Committee update – 14 June 2013
27. 02.07.2013

Arahan Amalan Bil 5 Tahun 2013  Garis Panduan, Tatacara dan Tanggungjawab Peguam Lantikan Mahkamah  Bagi Kes-Kes Kesalahan Hukuman Mati 

28. 03.07.2013 Majlis Berbuka Puasa – 17 July 2013
29. 16.07.2013 Talk on Franchising & the Law – 26 July 2013
30. 18.07.2013 Bar Room renovation & closure and cases reallocation at Subordinate Courts, Melaka
31. 25.07.2013 Sessions’ Court 1 and 2 – Kompleks Mahkamah Melaka – August 2013
32. 26.07.2013 Closure of the Malacca Bar Committee office on Saturday, 10th August, 2013
33. 27.08.2013 Case Management at the Subordinate Courts & part-heards at Sessions’ Court 1
34. 28.08.2013 Commissioner for Oaths – Tan Mock Kow & Lim How Cheong
35. 28.08.2013 Reference 2013
36. 29.08.2013 Talk on Basic Conveyancing Skills for Dummies
37. 02.09.2013 Advance Legal and Leadership Training Workshop for Lawyers and Pupils
38. 09.09.2013 Reference 2013 – Reminder
39. 24.09.2013 Advertisements for vacancies in law firms to be posted on the Malacca Bar Website
40. 02.10.2013 New Rules, New Mindsets organized by CPD Legal Resources
41. 03.10.2013 Approval of Consent to transfer/charge by the Malacca State Authority
42. 04.10.2013 Malacca Bar Annual Dinner 2013 & Nominations for Malacca Bar Outstanding Personality Award 2013



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