Directive from the PTG, Melaka No. 5/2008a


Circular No. 325 /2008

Date: 30 December 2008


For urgent attention of all Members, Malaysian Bar,


1. Directive from the PTG, Melaka No. 5/2008 relating to attestation of instruments of dealings.


2. Notice from the PTG, Selangor relating to closing of counter on 31/12/2008


Please take notice of the following:


1. Directive from the PTG, Melaka No. 5/2008 relating to attestation of instruments of dealings.


With effect from 01/01/2009, presentation for registration of all instruments of dealings under the National Land Code which are attested by an advocate and solicitor practising in Malaysia, are required to be supported by a certified true copy of the practising certificate of the said advocate and solicitor. The true copy is required to be certified by the Malacca Bar Committee.


Registration of instruments of dealings which do not comply with the above directive, may be suspended.


2. Notice from the PTG, Selangor relating to closing of counter on 31/12/2008


On 31 December 2008, counters at the Registry of Titles, Selangor on the ground floor of the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Building, Shah Alam will be closed at 10.00 a.m. Payment counters will reopen at 2.00 p.m. for payment of quit rent only.  

Payment via credit cards will not be allowed on that day.


Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wong


Conveyancing Practice Committee


Malaysian Bar Council

No. 13, 15 & 17, Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-2031 3003 (Hunting Line) Fax: 03-2034 2825, 2026 1313, 2072 5818




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