Results of Bar Council Election 2014/2015

(Source: Malaysian Bar website E-mail
Monday, 02 December 2013 05:56pm
Note: The candidate’s preferred name is followed by the candidate’s name as it appears in the Practising Certificate (in parentheses), if the two names are different.
(1) Hendon Mohamed 2124
(2) Haji Sulaiman Abdullah (Datuk Haji Sulaiman B Abdullah)   
(3) Andrew Khoo Chin Hock (Khoo Chin Hock Andrew) 1737
(4) Brendan Navin Siva 1570
(5) Datuk Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari (Datuk Haji Kuthubul Zaman B Bukhari) 1567
(6) Richard Wee Thiam Seng (Wee Thiam Seng) 1521
(7) Syahredzan Johan (Syahredzan Bin Johan) 1497
(8) Low Beng Choo (Dato’ Low Beng Choo) 1473
(9) Ravi Nekoo (Ravindran A/L Nekoo @ Veloo) 1449
(10) Dato’ Yasmeen Shariff (Dato’ Yasmeen Bt Haji Mohd Shariff) 1445
(11) George Varughese (George Varughese A/L K O Varughese) 1422
(12) Honey Tan Lay Ean (Tan Lay Ean)    1363



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