The Malacca Bar Committee has obtained confirmation all matters in the Malacca Courts from 1 to 14 April 2020 will be adjourned due to the extension of the Movement Control Order.


We append below the case list and arrangement of cases by the Melaka Courts during this period.




Magistrate’s Court 1 (Puan Lee Kim Keat)


All cases from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020 will be called up on 8 May 2020.


Trials and Hearings fixed during this period will be converted into Case Management on 8 May 2020, and new Trial / Hearing dates will be fixed on this date.


Magistrate’s Court 2 (Puan Teoh Shu Yee)


All cases on 1 April 2020 will be called up on 19 May 2020

All cases on 2 April 2020 and 3 April 2020 will be called up on 20 May 2020

All cases on 6 April 2020 and 7 April 2020 will be called up on 21 May 2020

All cases on 8 April 2020 will be called on 1 June 2020

All cases on 9 April 2020 and 10 April 2020 will be called up on 2 June 2020

All cases on 13 April 2020 and 14 April 2020 will be called up on 3 June 2020

For Trials and Hearings fixed from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020, the Court Interpreter will call each lawyer in charge personally and inform them of the new dates.


Magistrate’s Court 3 (Tuan Muhammad Nazrin Ali Rahim)

Kindly refer to the attachment .


Magistrate’s Court 4 (Tuan Mohamad Izwan Bin Mohamed Nor)

Kindly refer to the attachment .

Please take note that for all Trials / Hearings from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020, the news dates fixed will be maintained as Trial / Hearing dates as per the attachment. In the event the new date is not suitable, lawyers are required to inform the Court interpreter when the Movement Control Order is lifted.


Sessions Court 1 (Dato’ Mohd Nasir Bin Nordin)

We have not been provided the cause list or arrangement of cases at the time of issuance of this Circular. We will notify members once we receive confirmation.


Sessions Court 2 (Puan Elesabet Paya Wan)

All cases from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020 will be called up on 13 May 2020.

All Trials and Hearings fixed during this period will be converted into Case Management on 13 May 2020 and new Trial / Hearing dates will be fixed on this date.


Sessions Court 3 (Puan Norma Binti Ismail)

All cases on 1 April 2020 will be called up on 13 May 2020

All cases on 2 April 2020 will be called up on 14 May 2020

All cases on 3 April 2020 will be called up on 14 May 2020

All cases on 6 April 2020, 7 April 2020 and 8 April 2020 will be called up on 15 May 2020

All cases on 9 April 2020 and 10 April 2020 will be called up on 18 May 2020

All cases on 13 April 2020 and 14 April 2020 will be called up on 19 May 2020

All Trials and Hearings fixed during this period will be converted into Case Management on the above dates, and further Trial / Hearing dates will be fixed.


High Court Deputy and Registrars’ cases

For cases before the High Court Deputy and Assistant Registrars, namely Tuan Firdaus, Puan Analia and Tuan Hidayat, the Court will issue a notice through the e-filling system to the respective lawyers to inform them of the new dates.

For Auction matters, the Court will cancel the dates fixed from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020. Lawyers who have client’s instructions to request for new dates for auctions matter are required to file in a Notice of Application to request for a new date.

For E-lelong matters, all the E-lelong fixed from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020 will be postponed and new date will be informed through e-filling system.


Magistrate’s and Sessions Registrars’ Cases

For all the cases before the Magistrate’s and Sessions Registrars, the Court will issue a notice through the e-filling system to the respective lawyers to inform them of the new date.


EFS System

The Malacca Courts will update the new dates in EFS system. Therefore, members are advised to check the new dates in EFS System.


E Review

All E-review matters will be conducted as usual. The Registrars of the Malacca Court will attend to the E-review.


B.            JASIN COURT (Puan Suzana Binti Mokhtar)

Kindly refer to the attachment.



Alor Gajah Magistrate’s Court

Kindly refer to the attachment for all the cases’ arrangement from 18 March 2020 to 14 April 2020.


Alor Gajah Sessions Court (Tuan Ahmad Sazali Bin Omar)

Kindly refer to the attachment.


Malacca Bar Committee will keep the members posted in the event the Malacca Court issue any further notice.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Court Liaison Sub-Committee 2020/2021
Malacca Bar Committee


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