Legal Aid Awareness Campaign 2007 : Launching and On the Campaign Trail

Launching at ACS on 3rd SeptOn 3.09.2007, the Chairman of the Malacca Bar, Mr. Ng Kong Peng launched the Legal Aid Awareness Campaign (themed Next Generation Rights), at the Malacca level, at the Anglo-Chinese School in Tranquerah, Malacca. In his speech to commemorate the event, the Chairman highlighted that 2007 was a signal year for the nation. After all, it had just celebrated its golden jubilee.

Nevertheless, the Chairman gently reminded everyone that the milestone was not purely reserved for walks down memory lane. The milestone also serves as an opportune time to remind ourselves that the hope of this nation’s future lies in the hands of its youths. More so, when it is considered within the backdrop of a recent census which confirms that 1/3rd of the nation’s population were below the age of 15 years old. For that reason, it was important to realize the rights of our next generation in a more significant manner as it would further cement the democratic ideals and aspirations of our forefathers.

In the finest traditions of speeches delivered in the good old days of Malacca, the Chairman then ended his speech by thanking everyone and delivered the following pantun:

Buah Rambutan Buah Pulasan,
Dimakan oleh anak kera,
Undang-undang kita jadikan landasan,
Supaya hidup aman sejahtera

Kasih dianyam bersulam sayang,
Hati terpaut tidak keruan,
Remaja kini tunggak wawasan,
Ke arah negara cemerlang, gemilang, dan terbilang.”

Following this launching, the Malacca Legal Aid Sub-Committee hit the proverbial “campaign trail” and gave talks at a number of schools. Thus far, talks have been given at the following schools i.e. the Anglo-Chinese School (3/9), the Methodist Girls High School (5/9) and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Muhammad (4/9) with topics ranging from individual rights against the police, traffic rules and sexual abuse.

The events would reach its apex on the 8th. and 9th. of September whereby the Malacca Legal Aid Sub-Commitee will be holding a legal aid clinic from 9.30 am – 5.30 pm in Tesco Melaka. Members of the public are invited to turn up and avail themselves of the free advice provided on that day.


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