It is with profound sadness that we received the news of the passing of Mr Low Tung Weng this morning. Though we know that Mr Low has been unwell for some time, still his departure came as a shock to us. Mr Low was a doyen in the Bar, a true gentlemen and a highly respected Malaccan.
As Chairman of the Malacca Bar (1987-1989) and President of the Malacca Club for a record breaking number of years, he sets the standards for us to emulate. Though he slowed down in the latter part of his practice, he faithfully maintained a keen interest in the affairs of the Bar. Whenever able, he was a regular presence at our Bar AGMs. Whenever he could not be physically present, he was always supportive of the Bar’s functions giving generously and using his extensive network to help out. Mr Low was the epitome of generosity, always magnanimous with friends and colleagues. Whenever we have occasions to lunch or dine with him, lavishness was his trademark as he would order food and drinks in abundance!
Though he was a senior member of the Bar, he treated all of us as equals. Always a gentlemen, he earned the respect of many.
As we mourn over his passing, we are thankful that we have had the opportunity of knowing and having him as our friend and comrade. He will be etched in our memory, as we remember the legacy of a great man.
Our deepest condolences to Mrs Low and family.
by Datuk Ng Kong Peng
