Talk : Laws Governing Gated Communities

All members of Malacca Bar.

The talk on “Laws Governing Gated Communities” by Mr. Andrew Wong will be held on Thursday, 23rd October, 2008 at Seri Costa Hotel, Taman Melaka Raya at 4.00 p.m.

Mr. Andrew Wong is a senior member of the Bar and the current Chairman of the Conveyancing Practice Committee of the Bar Council.  He will be examining the relevant provisions which govern the maintenance and management of the commonproperty by the housing developer, the Joint Management Body and the Management Corporation respectively, which have been brought about by:


§                     The Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007

§                     The Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007

§                     The new Schedule Agreements prescribed under the Housing Development  (Control & Licensing) Regulations (which was last amended on 1st December, 2007)

He will also be speaking on other topics such as “What is a Gated Community Scheme” and the guidelines for approval of GACOS.

If you are interested to attend the talk and have not registered, kindly do so.  The closing dates and amount to be paid are:

        Before 16.10.2008        ..        RM40.00

        After 16.10.2008            ..      RM60.00 (subject to seats available)

Kindly also note that the talk by Mr. Sundra Rajoo on Arbitration scheduled for 21st November, 2008 has been postponed indefinitely due to unavoidable circumstances.  Payments that have been made will be refunded.


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