Members of the Bar are kindly informed that the undermentioned Mallal’s Digest 4th Editions are available for purchase from the Malacca Bar Office by members on a first come first served basis:-
1) Volume 1: Administrative Law to Civil Law Act
2) Volume 2: Civil Procedure
3) Volume 2(1): Civil Procedure Absence of Party to Documents
4) Volume 3: Companies and Corporations to Copyright
5) Volume 3(2): Contract to Copyright
6) Volume 4: Criminal Law
7) Volume 5: Criminal Procedure
8 ) Volume 5(1): Criminal Procedure
9) Volume 5(2): Criminal Procedure
10) Volume 6: Currency to Equity
11) Volume 7: Evidence to Immigration
12) Volume 7(2) Evidence to Immigration
13) Volume 8: Insurance to Land Law
14) Volume 9: Landlord & Tenant to Limitation
15) Volume 10: Local Government to Revenue Law
16) Volume 11: Road Traffic to Succession
17) Volume 12: Tort to Women & Girls
Members who are interested in purchasing any of the Mallal’s Digest 4th Editions mentioned above are advised to contact the Malacca Bar Office for further information.